Frequently Asked Questions

Atom (Flag)

Ages 8-9

Birth Years 2015 & 2016

Pee Wees (Tackle)

Ages 10 and 11
Birth Years 2013 & 2014

Junior Bantam (Tackle)

Ages 12 and 13 
Birth Years  2010 & 2011

*Ages as of Spring 2024

Injuries do happen in all sports unfortunately, but we feel Football gets a bad rap compared to other sports - and there is research to support that. Football, hockey not leading causes of concussions in children: B.C. study

Vancouver, BC (Global News) - Feb 18, 2016: It turns out football and hockey are not the leading causes of childhood concussions, according to a new B.C. study. Kylie Stanton has more on what the biggest danger is, and what, if anything, can be done about it. Click Here To See Global News Video Coverage

The wonderful thing about football is that there is a position for everyone regardless of body shape or size!

The great things is, the coaches typically arrange it so the smaller kids go against each other on the sides (Receivers and Defensive Backs) and the bigger kids go against each other in the middle (Offensive and Defensive Lineman). Everyone is out here to play a great team sport and there truly is a position for everyone to contribute.

Registration for our Spring and Fall League is $200 per season (subject to change yearly) plus membership dues. Membership dues are only paid once per year. We wholeheartedly support all financial assistance programs in our area because in football, there truly is a position for every child. So, we accept assistance through KidSport, Langford Assist, Jumpstart and Athletics4Kids.

Registration for Atom flag to be determined & communicated in March 2024.

The league supplies most of the required equipment and we regularly replenish our inventory to stay current. The only equipment that you would need to supply are cleats and we prefer football cleats, but soccer cleats are just fine. We recommend you purchase a Football Girdle as it provides all the necessary pads and support, you are able to purchase them from us for $40.00. We do recommend getting big water bottles as these kids get lots of exercise at practices.

While the games are competitive, in that we do keep score and team records, OYFA is an inclusive developmental league where every player is required to play a minimum number of plays per game. We have a play counter every game who keeps track. Due to safety of the game new players may not get as much playing time as veteran players, or may play outside positions until they fully grasp the game.